Updated March 22, 2024


Where are soccer classes held for the 2024 Spring season?

Central, Riverside, Morningside, Gertrude Ederle Park, & JCC Harlem. Click Locations to view all options.

What is the difference between bundle packs and drop-in classes?

Bundle pack option (10 classes) allows you to register for all classes and guarantees a spot for the entire season. A 5% early discount for the spring 2024 season will remain in effect until March 30, 2024 (excluding ACT programs and JCC Harlem locations).

Drop-in option (prices vary) allows you to register for the classes you wish to attend in advance. A commitment to the entire 10-week program is not necessary. This option does not guarantee a spot for the season.

Pay-as-you-go option (prices vary) allows you to register for a singles sessions before the start of a class. This option does not guarantee a spot for the season.

Why are the classes so small?

To offer the most attention to our athlete’s development, we are limiting all classes to 8 or 9 kids.

What is the program’s policy on the use of masks?

NYS lifted the mask mandate for outdoor schools/programs. It is our duty at Stellar Soccer to continue to do our part in offering a safe soccer experience. Coaches may or may not continue to wear face masks while leading soccer classes. The use of masks on children and grownups is completely optional for indoor and outdoor use.

What steps are you taking to prevent my child from getting sick?

Safety is our first priority when leading soccer. All coaches are fully vaccinated and may wear masks when leading lessons. All equipment will be sanitized before it’s use. Coaches will cancel classes when not feeling well.

What if my child cannot attend a ClassTag due to illness or other reasons?

No problem. Depending on availability and location, families can chat with the head coach to transfer the Class to another day. While this is not a guarantee we will do our best to accommodate your request.

How long do classes usually run?

All classes run for 50 minutes. JCC classes run for 45 minutes.

What discounts are available?

A 5% early bird discount is available for bundle packages of 10 classes (excluding ACT programs and JCC Harlem locations).

A 5% sibling discount is in effect for all classes.

A 15% discount is available to the one family who creates a private pod. Restrictions apply.

Why do locations keep on changing?

NYC parks have strict permit regulations. While we are authorized to conduct classes in specific areas, some circumstances are beyond our control.

How old does my child need to be to attend a class?

Children ages 2.5-8 are invited to particpate in Stellar Soccer.

What does my child need to bring to soccer class?

Children excel in physical activities when wearing comfortable attire like running sneakers and shorts/sweatpants. It's advisable to steer clear of soccer cleats with studs as per our agreement with the NYC Parks Dept. Remember to bring a water bottle, as some places might not have water fountains available.

How can parents/caregivers help?

Involving parents/caregivers in activities can help younger participants adjust and establish a routine smoothly. In contrast, for older children or those already familiar with the setting, we kindly request that parental involvement be minimized to prevent distractions.

Do parents/caregivers have to stay for the class?

No. Inform your coach if you must step away but have a cellphone ready in case your presence is needed.

What happens during inclement weather when leading classes outdoors/indoors?

WEEKDAY CLASSES (spring, summer, and fall only): Our policy requires cancellations to be confirmed 30 minutes or 1 hour before the class starts in case of heavy rain thunder, lightning, heat waves, hailstorms, etc. Classes will proceed as scheduled on cloudy days or during light drizzles. Further details can be found in the cancellation policy provided upon registration.

ALL WEEKEND CLASSES: will NOT be canceled. Instead, we will use the indoor spaces at PS 145 School for Great Hill locations and ACT indoor space for ACT locations.

The head coach has the authority to cancel a class. Families opting to skip classes in session will not receive refunds or makeup sessions.

What is your make-up policy if my child is sick?

Families may qualify for a make-up session if arranged with the head coach, except for the JCC Harlem location. Make-ups cannot be carried over to future seasons, so it's essential to coordinate in advance with the head coach.

How do I see the classes my child will attend?

Simple. Log in to the hiSawyer profile to view dates, times, and more information. Otherwise you can contact your head coach for more details.

Why can’t I find the JCC Harlem and ACT programs link?

Registration is available on the More Services tab.

How do I find out my child’s coach? Will it be a different coach every class?

The contact information for the coaches will be provided in the welcome letter. Ensuring consistency is crucial, particularly when instructing classes for young children. Families will be promptly informed of any schedule changes or absences.

Who do I contact if I have more questions about the program?

Email coach Alex at CoachAlex@StellarSoccer.org. We are happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.